Graham Bell
was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1847. He went to school
only for few years regularly.
Alexander Graham
Bell invented telephone in 1876. But you will be certainly surprised to know
that his original purpose was not to invent telephone rather than he and his
father wanted to make an instrument to help the deaf to hear. French government
awarded him fifty thousand francs which he donated for research on deaf.
Graham Bell’s
invention of the telephone has greatly influenced our lives. There are only few
inventions which were used as widely as telephone and have deep affect on our
Before the
invention of telephone many scientists attempted to make telephone. Graham Bell worked
on the Principle that was very simple and clear. He thought that the sound
produced will reach to ear through the air waves. This creates motion in the
ear membrane. It reaches to the brain. Then man knows that what kind of sound
is it? Or what is being said? If two things like membrane are place at a
distance and they are connected through electric wires. Then there is no reason
why it cannot produce motion. Thus he worked on the principle and succeeded. 10
of March 1976 Graham bell made his first call to his colleague. That was a
great leap for mankind towards development.
Graham Bell
moved to America and got nationality in 1882. He died in 1922.