Sunday, 13 January 2013

Karl Marx

Karl Marx was born on 5 May 1818 in Trier in western German, the son of a successful lawyer. His family was prosperous and civilized. Marx first entered the Bonn University and then Berlin University to study law. He also became interested in studying history and philosophy. In 1841, he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena. The doctorate thesis was” The Difference between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature”. In 1842, he became a journalist, writing for liberal newspaper "New Rhenish Newspaper" and in October becoming editor. After a short period as editor of the newspaper in Cologne, Marx moved to Paris. French authorities considered Marx as a political threat and expelled him with his wife from France. Marx spent two years in Brussels, where he worked in collaboration with Engels. In 1948 Marx co-authored with Engels a pamphlet 'The Communist Manifesto'. He stated that entire human history was based on class struggles.

Marx moved to London, in 1849, where he enjoyed the rest of his life. For some years, his family struggled but his friend Engels helped him go through that phase. Steadily, Marx came out from his isolation and created his most valuable and notable work, 'Das Kapital' (Capital). It became the “bible of the working class”. Capital was first published in 1867 while the remaining volumes were edited by Engels after Karl Marx death. He died on 14 March 1883 and was buried at Highgate Cemetery in London.

Marx as an extremely important revolutionary intellectual, thinker, and philosopher, he did not survive to see his thoughts, views, and ideas carried out in his days, but his works shaped the theoretical foundation stone for modern Marxism or communism. 

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Che Guevara

che, Ernesto, revolutionary,

Che Guevara was a Latin American revolutionary who considered  the entire world as one country. Till his death he acted on the philosophy of armed struggle to achieve economic justice. His struggle still warms the blood of the people who dream of revolution. 

This charismatic persons’ real name was Ernesto but the world knows him by the name of Che Guevara. He has born in Argentine' town of Rosario in a middle class family. Che Guevara has got medical education. But in short life of only 39 years he proved his expertise and skills in many areas. He was a revolutionary leader, guerrilla commander, poet, photographer and a player. After finishing education he went to Guatemala, where in 1955 Che Guevara met Fidel Castro and Che Guevara strongly supported Castro in overthrow of the Cuban government. On these services Che Guevara was given Cuban citizenship. Number of positions were given to Che Guevara in new Cuban government, revolutionary head of the courts, President of the National Bank of Cuba and Ministry of Industries.

Che Guevara led the Cuban delegation at the United Nations conference in New York. On But his return to Cuba, Che withdrew from his citizenship because of some differences with Fidel Castro. He went to Congo and then to Mozambique. But on Castro call he came back and Reached Bolivia to organize a revolutionary movement. Where in October, 1967 he was killed. In 1997 Che Guevara body was brought to Cuba and was buried with national honor. After the death Che Guevara achieved Global fame and today he is presented as an example for revolutionary movements.   

Friday, 11 January 2013

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln, Abraham, vip people, famous people,
Abraham Lincoln was believed to be the most important president of America. He was twice elected as president, he got 56 years of age, and in 1865 while watching a drama in a theater he was assassinated. The person who killed him was a racist. His fault was to end the course of slavery from America and struggled to give freedom to blacks. The sixteenth president of America was born in 1809 in a poor family. He could not get formal education. He was self made and self educated person. He worked in fields, for study he would borrow book from others.  Once he borrowed a book from a landlord on the biography of the first president of America George Washington. But the book has damaged. For the compensation, He had to work in his fields to the landlord for three days.

He saw on these ships, cruel treatment of black slaves. He would think of their freedom. At that time seven southern states, where blacks would work in fields of white landlords, had established a rebellion government against the federal government of 34 northern states. In that environment Abraham Lincoln became great lawyer without studying in school and college, did it entirely on his potentials. American population was 30 million at that point of time. The women and slaves did not have the right to vote. Lincoln even in these conditions got elected as the president. His life is a classical example of hard work, honesty, performance and intelligence.  

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Wright brothers

orville and wulber, wright

Wright brothers were two American brothers who invented the first ever airplane successfully. Their names were Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright. Wilbur was born on April 16, 1867. And Orville was born on January 30, 1871.
When they have started to think of flying in the skies the situation that to rise above the ground was not considered important. Orville and Wilbur soon after starting their work on flying they realized that
The most of the theories are deviated from the actual dynamics and purpose of flying. They all the day would be busy in cycle shop, after coming back from the shop they would spent their full time in experiments. Finally they discovered a system to control through which changed the air pressure on different parts of the flying machine.  

Determination, dedication and devotion to fly glider provided them the base for success. Before them the other individuals trying to invent the first flying machine, were worried. They did not know how to fly the machine. But this was not a problem with Wright brothers, because they were well trained and loved to fly.

Two brothers realize exactly what the real problem was! They worked in right direction that how to manage the airplane in the air? They spent most of the time and effort to discover a system through which stabilize and balance the plane in the air. Finally they discovered three dimensional systems to control the plane.

First event of flying took place in North Carolina Kitty Hawk near Devil Hills on December 17 in 1903.  
They named the airplane "flyer 1". It was completed in less than a thousand dollars. It wings were 40 feet long and weighed around 750 pounds.  Engine was only 12 horsepower and weight of the engines was 170 pounds.

From century men kind had dreamed of flying. Wright Brothers made it possible to achieve this dream through their capabilities and made Fairy tell ​​a reality.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Mohandas Gandhi

mahatma, gandhi, Karamchand

Gandhi was born in Gujarat, India on 2nd October 1869. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He passed the bar exam in London. He spent some time in South Africa and from where he came in politics. Gandhi come to India, launched political and social awareness through the platform of the Indian National Congress. For freedom non-violence was his main weapon.

Gandhi was India's Political and spiritual leader and the most important character of freedom movement. In India he is respectfully called Mahatma Gandhi and Bapu Ji. Gandhi's birthday is a national holiday India and Gandhi’s photo is also on Indian currency. 

He got the Mahatma title from the public, on the basis of his struggle against the British imperial government and leading the deprived people of India. Mahatma means the great soul.

When we analyze thoughts and views of Gandhi’s life we find evidence of comprehensive and integrated approach. Mahatma Gandhi was capable leader (politician), excellent man, and he was not even a thinker but also a Philosopher. But he proposed to the world suck a lifestyle and for combating the issues of the life he suggested helpful methods that the people were surprised to see its effectiveness.  The most important ideology of Gandhi is non-violence; he called it direction and process of life.

Today the violence is not only a national obstacle but also has become globally a terrible problem.   Absence of harmony between different races, countries, castes and religions, directs wave of violence and which lead to riots in the world. The entire world wants the solutions for this matter. By analyzing speeches Gandhi, it is clear that he honestly made efforts to bring harmony among the different castes, religions, colors, communities, races and ethnic groups. National solidarity was the idea of concerned for him. It was the fundamental stone on which he wanted to build a prosperous nation.

He was assassinated on 30 January 1948 by a Hindu nationalist who thought Gandhi was too sympathetic to India's Muslims.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Alexander The Great

alexander the great, alexander, vip

Alexander the Great was born in 356 BC. He was only eighteen years old, when his father Philip II appointed him a regiment commander.  Alexander with his regiment launched such bold attacks on the enemies that eventually Philip II was victorious in this battle. This event was in 338 BC.

Two years after the war, Philip II died and Alexander got the throne. Macedonia of Greece was a small state. In the surrounding there were many small countries, which were enemies of Macedonia. Alexander first overriding them and he in 334 BC has shown his determination of striking Iran, which was a stanch enemy of Macedonia.

Alexander in early spring with his thirty thousand infantry and five thousand cavalry troops moved forward towards the Asia. His force entered the country which is now called Turkey. During the month of May on the banks Granicus river Iranian military was hammered, then turning east and south coast and occupied the whole of Syria and Iran's naval power was destroyed. Egypt accepted submission without a fight.

After that Alexander fought for seven years while moving towards the east. And even entered India through Iran. Near the River Jhelum Alexander was fighting Porus and defeated Porus. Even though Porus lost that fight but Alexander was impressed by his stature and willingness to fight till the death despite being severely injured in face of almost certain defeat and let him rule his land and as a result Porus became his ally

Alexander was making plans to conquer the entire continent but his army refused to move. As a result through Baluchistan he reached Babylon the city of Iraq. Where he had a fever.  With the desire in his heart of conquering the world he died in 323 BC only in the age of 33 years.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Martin Luther King

king, martin, luther, vip

Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta on 15 Jan 1929. He was a human rights activist and pioneer of African-American civil rights campaign. He strongly campaigned in Americans for equal civil rights.

World knows and recognizes Martin Luther King as a denier of the racial discrimination, color and creed, to fight against discrimination and for civil rights. In Sixties in the United States Martin Luther King began the largest movement for the rights of Blacks.

This movement became immensely popular in American public. But on the 4th April 1968, political assassination of Martin Luther a wave of riots erupted on the basis of race across America, Which continued for few days. Several areas were destroyed in the violence and riots resulted in the killing of more than forty people.

In 1956 bus boycotts and peaceful protest in Montgomery had made the Martin Luther a face of racial equality movements. King began struggle against the discriminatory U.S. laws under which Blacks were deprived of voting right and many other facilities in the U.S. In Washington in 1963 in his speech under the title echoed “I have a Dream” he has become a symbol for racial equality in American amendments.

In 1964 by adopting peacefully protest against the racial discrimination and running civil discrimination disobedience movement, Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest man to get this prize. In 1968 before his assassinated, he made efforts for poverty alleviate and opposing the Vietnam War and brought forward religious perspective on both. On 4 April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee Martin Luther King was assassinated. Two Church titled the King as a martyr.

 In 1977 presidential Medal of Freedom and in 2004 Congress Gold Medal was awarded to King. In 1986 Martin Luther King Day was declared national holiday in the U.S. Time magazine in 1963 declared him "personality of the year".

Sunday, 6 January 2013


aristotle, vip

Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Stageira. Aristotle was the son of Nicomachus royal doctor of Macedonia.  His father had great interest to interpret components of the animals. Aristotle also took an interest in learning them from the beginning. Like the great philosophers his knowledge was fine and from excessive research findings. Even though Aristotle was appointed Instructor Alexander the great but he was always famous as a scholar.

He became student of Plato in the age of eighteenth years and was a member of academy for 25 years. Although Aristotle studied with a teacher like Plato was, but he was a realistic philosopher. His philosophy looks influenced by Plato. In his view of Matter, spirit, and God Plato’s ideas are visible. His view of Metaphysics emerged through and grew the criticism on Plato’s theory. He talked about the all knowledge of his time and he is viewed as the founder of many subjects, particularly logic and biology. His writing covers many subjects.He has provided such basic information about the biology and psychology even after two thousand years of scientific tests proved right. He was the teacher of Alexander the great and came back to Athens in 335 BC established Lyceum academy where he served as a teacher till the death of Alexander.  But when the situation became against Macedonians, left Athens one year later he died.


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Napoleon Bonaparte

napoleon, bonaparte, vip

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military general, and the ruler. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Croatia in 1769, after completion of early education Napoleon Bonaparte entered French Military Academies and he graduated in 1785. He achieved second lieutenant position in the army when he was only 16 years old. Just after four years the French Revolution took place. A few years after the French Revolution, France war with other countries began. Napoleon Bonaparte shown significant result in these wars, these wars lasted till 1793 and Napoleon Bonaparte reached the Brigadier's office in 1796. Napoleon Bonaparte continues winning of battles made him hero in France. Immense potential of Napoleon Bonaparte has an important place in history. Great conqueror died of cancer in 1821, at the age of 52.

Friday, 4 January 2013


socrates, vip

Socrates was born in Athens around 469 BC His father was a stone cutter. Socrates purpose of life was to spread knowledge. He believed that moral character is created through knowledge. His principle was that “knowledge is righteousness, and ignorance is evil”. Socrates way of teaching was that to get the conversation going, ask questions, answer the questions and get the answers from others, discuss and debate the issue again and again. And try to get all the possible answers of the issue.  

Athens officials charged Socrates that “he does not care our old gods”. Introducing new gods and spoiling character of the youth. He was convicted guilty through difference of a few votes, and ordered to drink a cup of poison. Socrates spent the last day of his life in talking with friends and in the evening he drunk the cup of poison with great pleasure and honor.

Socrates introduced a new style of love to the world. He would have a different kind of debate, but it cannot be called argument because through his discussions he would reach the moral results and shows reality.  He would question again and again, and would expose to others through arguments and have reached the bottom of the issue brings up logical and well grounded answer.

Socrates was very intelligent in asking questions and answering questions. Regret is that he did not have a written book, in which we could evaluate his knowledge. Everything we know about Socrates is through his pupil the Plato.

Here's the summary of Socrates ideas.

  • Spirit and body are separate from each other. Physical death is not the end of life but a way of liberty, so fear of death is foolish. 
  • One must confront ignorance, and individual interest must be put into the context of collective interests. 
  • Human being must always distinguish between justice and injustice, and true and false. 
  • Wisdom lies in understanding of knowledge and wisdom.

Thursday, 3 January 2013


plato, vip

Plato was born in 427 BC in a prominent family of Athens. He studied literature and mathematics when he was only a boy. When Plato was young he met the philosopher Socrates, Who became his friend and leader. Socrates in 399 BC at the age of seventy years prosecuted on charges to provoke the youths of Athens. He was sentenced to death. In Plato's words, "Socrates was the wisest, of good character, and best of all, that I met till today. Death of Socrates’ filled permanent hatred in Plato's heart against democratic government. Shortly after Death of Socrates’ Plato left Athens. He spent the next 10 or 12 years constantly traveling. Around 387 BC, he returned Athens and founded a school. It was called “The Academy", which was existed for more than nine years. Plato spent rest of his forty years in Athens. He continued writing and teaching philosophy.  Plato was author of almost 30 books. The most of his books discusses on politics and ethics. He also wrote on Metaphysics and Theology.   
 Plato's most famous dialogue was democracy, in which he said that what should be the best government system! Plato’s works effect is even deeper than Aristotle's. In 347 BC in Athens While attending wedding he died, at that time he was 80 years old.
Over two thousand years ago, the famous Greek philosopher Plato established "the Academy" in Athens, where he was teaching kids of the upper class. Activity was significant in the academy, and for everyday tasks an eighteen-year-old boy was taken as factotum. The boy would brings tea, water, and do the other small tasks. The Academy was only reserved for upper class; therefore boy had to go out, when he finish his job.  The doors used to be closed and Plato would start teaching the students. The eighteen year old boy would sit the near the door and kept listening what was taught inside. 
Two months later course of Plato’s class ended. Now as usual, he held a grand ceremony. Then from the all cities learned scholar attended the ceremony. Parents of students were also present. Event was a test of knowledge of the students, so that they each had a topic to discuss. Therefore the importance of 'knowledge' was the theme of the event. The students who recently finished the course from the Plato’s class would come on stage, say something on the topic and go back.
The students’ speech on ' importance of the knowledge ' was not impressive. Plato saw it as a big disappointment. Factotum boy came to him and spoke as if that 'Can I speak on the topic? Plato in a state of surprise and carelessly rejected the boy's request. Plato said, 'I did not teach, How can you express yourself on the topic? Then the boy told him that ‘he has been sitting on the door for past two months and have been listening to his teaching’.
By the time Plato was disappointed with his disciples. So he presented his young worker boy to the audience. Then the Boy started to speak, spoke on the Importance of knowledge for half an hour. The whole crowd was stunned to see his power of speech and immense knowledge. Speech was very well grounded and inspirational. When boy was done with the speech, Plato came to the dais and addressed the audience and said, 'You know, I have taught students with hard work and did not do any kind of negligence during the teaching. There was a lack of quality of learning in my students and they could not get knowledge. While the boy was knowledge seeker, so he was able to get everything that I wanted to teach my students.
The world knows that boy as ‘Aristotle’ the greatest philosopher and intellectual. This was the quality of the teachings of Plato.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Nelson Mandela

nelson, mandela, vip

 Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 Transkei, South Africa. South Africa's first democratically elected former president who was elected in 1994 till 1999. Nelson Mandela  struggled against the racist and spent 27 year in prison in Robin Island on various (charges)offenses such as civil disobedience, sabotage peace and other criminal charges and was released in February 11, 1990.

Today Nelson Mandela is known not only in South Africa but and as well as all over the world as a movement who raise his voice for the improvement. On the basis of his four decades of movement and services, Nelson Mandela was awarded more than 200 prizes. The most notable is Nobel Prize for Peace in 1993. In November 2009 the UN General Assembly announced to celebrate July 18 (Nelson Mandela's Date of Birth) "as Mandela day" for promoting peace and freedom.  

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Mohammad (PBUH)

Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, appearing as a key figure in world history and his Character globally recognized on both sides by Muslims and non-Muslims. He was the most successful leader among the all religious leaders. His nickname was Abualqasm. Mohammad (PBUH) was 40 years old when the first verse revealed on him.

Prophet Mohammad father Hazrat Abdullah died almost six months before his arrival in the world and when Mohammad age was six years his mother Hazrat Amina died. In Arabic language the word "Mohammad" means "the praised one". Before Prophethood, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) started to go into the trade with his uncle Abutalb. Mohammad’s truthfulness, honesty and transparency in trade made him famous in Arab tribes. The Arab’s titled him as Sadiq and Amin (meaning honest and truthful).

What Great People have said about Mohammad
Western writer Michael Hart in his famous book The Hundred greatest men in the world who mentioned played a big role in the creation of the world. He placed the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) on the first count. Being a Christian Writer, his evidence does prove that Prophet Mohammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is worthy of being the Greatest man in the human race.

Thomas Carlyle in 1840 in his famous lecture said, "I love Mohammad and believe that there was no hypocrisy in the nature of Mohammad”.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France said "Mohammad was actually greatest man. In only a short period of 15 years a large number of people started worshiping the true God. This was the amazing feat of Prophet’s Education".

George Bernard Shaw writes, "The only way to get rid of the human suffering that Mohammad became the leader of the world".

Gandhi writes that "the character of founder of Islam taught equality of man, and showed the path of truth. As I study Islam as a religion so it becomes certain for me that Islam is not spread by the sword". 

The French researcher Alphonse de Lamartine in his book "History of Turkey" established standards for human dignity in this regard the learned historian writes "to measure the human dignity there are three conditions important (1). Highness of Purpose, (2) Lack of resources, (3) surprising results. On this standard who can claim to match the personality of Mohammad”? Lamartine further writes "philosopher, preacher, prophet, construction law, general, winner of souls, to spread the faith wisdom, to create a society free from idolatry.He was Mohammad who united many states in a spiritual empire. This is Mohammad’s human dignity. As far as standard of quality is concerned, we can ask that is there anyone who may meet these standards and be superior to Mohammad ". 

Dr. Shelley writes in agreement of last Prophet Personality: "Mohammad in past and present people is among the best and most perfect example of being born again and it is impossible to happen again”.