Monday, 7 January 2013

Martin Luther King

king, martin, luther, vip

Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta on 15 Jan 1929. He was a human rights activist and pioneer of African-American civil rights campaign. He strongly campaigned in Americans for equal civil rights.

World knows and recognizes Martin Luther King as a denier of the racial discrimination, color and creed, to fight against discrimination and for civil rights. In Sixties in the United States Martin Luther King began the largest movement for the rights of Blacks.

This movement became immensely popular in American public. But on the 4th April 1968, political assassination of Martin Luther a wave of riots erupted on the basis of race across America, Which continued for few days. Several areas were destroyed in the violence and riots resulted in the killing of more than forty people.

In 1956 bus boycotts and peaceful protest in Montgomery had made the Martin Luther a face of racial equality movements. King began struggle against the discriminatory U.S. laws under which Blacks were deprived of voting right and many other facilities in the U.S. In Washington in 1963 in his speech under the title echoed “I have a Dream” he has become a symbol for racial equality in American amendments.

In 1964 by adopting peacefully protest against the racial discrimination and running civil discrimination disobedience movement, Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest man to get this prize. In 1968 before his assassinated, he made efforts for poverty alleviate and opposing the Vietnam War and brought forward religious perspective on both. On 4 April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee Martin Luther King was assassinated. Two Church titled the King as a martyr.

 In 1977 presidential Medal of Freedom and in 2004 Congress Gold Medal was awarded to King. In 1986 Martin Luther King Day was declared national holiday in the U.S. Time magazine in 1963 declared him "personality of the year".

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